How to Protect Your House from Intruders?

 Protecting your house isn’t something we put a lot of thought into. We often just set up our locks and our alarm system and hope nothing happens. However, there is much more left to do in order to ensure the safety of your house and your loved ones. Larchmont NY is one of the wealthiest neighbourhoods in all over America. And houses here date way back to the colonial era, each house more opulent than the other. But it is because of their beauty that these houses need extra protection. The first step to security is installing a new set of locks as you move in, by a professional Larchmont locksmith. A self-executed job or amateur job can result in faulty work and end up compromising your safety.

Larchmont Locksmith

Dos and Don’t for protect your Larchmont House

The next thing that we need to do is protect the address of our house. We often go to lengths in protecting our phone number and personal belongings. But we often ignore the address of our house, which is one of the most vital things in our lives. Here is how you protect the address of your house being leaked out:

      Avoid posting content where your address might be visible.

     Also, don’t provide your address to a stranger.

     And in the scenario of a lockout, have a spare key made up by a professional Larchmont locksmith, and hide it somewhere safe.

      Do not hide it in expected places like under the welcome mat. Under a specific flower pot or even stuck under the window ledge is a good idea.

Tips to Protect your Larchmont House when you’re Away

     Apart from this, you also need to keep your house safe when you are out. Keeping the lights on when out of the house is a smart way to keep out intruders. Experts suggest the majority of the time thieves get discouraged if they feel somebody is at home.

     As for when you are inside it, during the nighttime, keep the blinds closed. Because of the darkness outside and the light inside our houses, we are open to everyone's “window shopping”. This may instigate intruders who see something valuable through the open window.

      A final way is to install a camera and electronic system that informs the local authorities on an event of intrusion. And also records evidence of such intrusion. Ask your neighbourhood professional Locksmith to provide you with the best options for electronic and smart security systems for your home.

Larchmont Locksmith

One Stop Locksmith, Larchmont

One Stop Locksmith is a leading Larchmont Locksmith who is an expert in installing electronic and smart lock systems. Through their innovative solutions, hundreds of customers have made their house 10 times safer. Along with an experience of  10 years and a wide base of happy and satisfied customers, One Stop Locksmith is a favourite name in the industry. With them, you can be assured that your house is foolproof of strangers and intruders!


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